Spring Schedule

Toddlers Make Music Too! (20 mos.-3 years as of Jan. 2016)
This class is designed to bring the joy of music and movement to toddlers and their parent or caretaker. Activities include singing, dancing, listening, rhyming and instrument playing, creating an environment in which the child's music aptitude is nurtured and skills are developed.
Toddlers Make Music Too! (20 mos.-3 years as of Jan. 2016)
This class is designed to bring the joy of music and movement to toddlers and their parent or caretaker. Activities include singing, dancing, listening, rhyming and instrument playing, creating an environment in which the child's music aptitude is nurtured and skills are developed.
- Monday 4:50, Jan. 11- May 23 (off Jan. 18, Feb. 1 & 8, Mar. 21 & 28) Uptown Musikgarten Studio
- Tuesday 10:00, Jan. 12 - May 17 (no class Feb. 9, Mar.8, 22 &29) Metairie Parenting Center, membership required
- Wednesday 10:30, Jan. 13- May 25 (no class Feb. 3,10, Mar.23 & 30th) Uptown Musikgarten Studio
- Thursday 10:00, Jan. 14- May 19 (no class Feb. 4, 11, Mar. 24, 31) Uptown Parenting Center, membership required
- Saturday 9:30, Jan. 9- May 28 (no class Jan. 16, Feb. 6, 13, Mar. 26, Apr. 2) Uptown Musikgarten Studio